viernes, abril 16, 2010


Enunciativa o aseverativo Expresa un hecho afirmándolo o negándolo Juan bautizó en agua
Tomás no estaba cuando Jesús vino

Interrogativa Expresa una pregunta
¿Qué quieres que te haga?

Exclamativa Expresa alteración del ánimo(alegría, tristeza, dolor, sorpresa o cualquier otra emoción) ¡oh, si también tu conocieses a lo menos en este día, lo que es para tu paz!

Imperativa Expresa mandato, ruego consejo o prohibición Zaqueo, date prisa, desciende, porque hoy es necesario que pose yo en tu casa

Exhortativa Induce a alguien a obrar de una manera determinada Procurad, pues los dones mejores

Despectiva Expresa desprecio, implica ironía, burla, ira ¡Qué bien dejáis a un lado el mandamiento!

Dubitativa Expresa duda Quizá haya cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad

Desiderativa Expresa un deseo Quisiera que todos vosotros hablaseis en lenguas, pero más que profetizaseis.

martes, abril 13, 2010


Objetivo específico: Reconocer las funciones propias del lenguaje

1. Función representativa o informativa y referencial se utiliza para informar de un hecho objetivo. Ejemplo “Herodes echó mano a algunos de la iglesia para maltratarles”

2. Función expresiva o emotiva cuando el hablante utiliza el lenguaje a fin de reflejar una actitud subjetiva. Ejemplo “He aquí tú eres hermosa, amiga mía”

3. Función apelativa o conativa se utiliza para llamar la atención del receptor o para dirigir su conducta o comportamiento. Ejemplo “¡Tened ánimo; yo soy, no temáis!” “Levántate, toma tu cama y vete a tu casa”

4. Función fática o de contacto se utiliza para empezar, mantener o finalizar una comunicación. Ejemplo “Dígame, ¿Me oye?, Escuche, adiós.

5. Función poética o estética se utiliza para presentar el mensaje de manera llamativa. Se usa sobretodo en los textos literarios. Ejemplo “Paloma mía, que estas en los agujeros de la peña, en lo escondido de escarpados parajes”

6. Función metalingüística o aclaradora es la función del lenguaje en la que éste habla de él mismo, como sucede en las gramáticas y los diccionarios o cuando alguien pregunta. Ejemplo “¿Qué significa la palabra comezón? Otro responde: comezón significa desazón moral, especialmente la que ocasiona el deseo o apetito de alguna cosa mientras no se logra.

jueves, abril 08, 2010


Verbo to be – Pasado Simple

To be = ser o estar.

I was
You were
He/she/it was
We were
You were
They were

•Negación (sujeto + verbo + not)

forma completa forma contraída

I was not I wasn´t
You were not you weren´t
He/she/it was not he/she/it wasn´t
We were not we weren´t
You were not you weren´t
They were not they weren´t

•Interrogación (verbo + sujeto)

respuesta breve respuesta breve –
Was I ...? Yes, I was No, I wasn´t
Were you...? Yes, you were No, you weren´t
Was he/she/it ....? Yes, he/she/it was No, he/she/it wasn´t
Were we...? Yes, we were No, we weren´t
Were you....? Yes, you were No, you weren´t
Were they....? Yes, they were No, they weren´t

Were you a student? Yes, I was.
Was she your friend? Yes, she was.
Were they your classmates? No, they weren´t.

EXERCISES Simple Past (negative and affirmative)

1. Write these sentences in the past.

1. He goes to the swimming pool because he likes swimming.
2. They have dinner at nine o´clock.
3. Adam runs 500 m
4. Helen eats too many sweets.
5. I buy the newspaper in the shop.
6. We get up at eight o´clock and go to school.

2. Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative form.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Write about what Jim did and didn´t do yesterday, as in the examples.

1. Go to the bank (yes) 1. He went to the bank
2. Buy some shoes (no) 2. He didn´t buy any shoes.
3. Write to Sally (yes) ……………………………………..
4. Buy a shirt (yes) ……………………………………..
5. Have lunch with Adam (no) ……………………………………..
6. Write to Peter (yes) ……………………………………..
7. Go to the hospital (no) ……………………………………..
8. Have dinner with Susie (yes) ……………………………………..
9. Play football (no) ……………………………………..
10.Make dinner (yes) ……………………………………..

4. Write the past form of these verbs.

1. to get ……… 6. to play ………
2. to buy ……… 7. to come ………
3. to study ……… 8. to go ………
4. to watch ……… 9. to pay ………
5. to begin ……… 10. to walk ………



Uso: el pasado simple se utiliza normalmente para referirnos a hechos que sucedieron en un momento concreto del pasado

Existen verbos regulares, a los que se añade –ed en el pasado, como work (worked en pasado) y otros irregulares, que es necesario aprender, como go (went en pasado).


Verbos regulares (work)

I worked
He / she / it worked
You worked
We worked
You worked
They worked

Ortografía de las formas de pasado regulares

• verbos acabados en “consonante + y”ied:
study studied
carry carried

• verbos monosilábicos acabados en “vocal +consonante” duplican la consonante (excepto “y” o “w”)
stop stopped
shop shopped

Pronunciación de la terminación “-ed” de pasado
Se puede pronunciar como /t/, /d/ o /id/, dependiendo del sonido en el que acabe el infinitivo:
• /t/ watched, stopped, shopped, washed, worked (cuando el verbo acaba en sonido sordo)
• /d/ lived, arrived, opened, called, changed (cuando el verbo acaba en sonido sonoro)
• /id/ started, painted, mended, needed (solamente cuando el verbo acaba en sonido /t/ o/d/).

Verbos irregulares (go)
I went
You went
He / she / it went
We went
You went
They went

*Debes aprenderte estos verbos de memoria para formar el pasado


Verbos regulares (work)
forma completa forma contraída

I did not work I didn´t work
You did not work You didn´t work
He / she / it did not work He / she / it didn´t work
We did not work We didn´t work
You did not work You didn´t work
They did not work They didn´t work

Verbos irregulares (go)
forma completa forma contraída

I did not go I didn´t go
You did not go You didn´t go
He / she / it did not go He / she / it didn´t go
We did not go We didn´t go
You did not go You didn´t go
They did not go They didn´t go


Verbos regulares (work)

Respuesta breve respuesta breve

Did I work? Yes, I did No, I didn´t
Did you work? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did he/she/it work? Yes, he/she/it did No, he/she/it didn´t
Did we work? Yes, we did No, we didn´t
Did you work? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did they work? Yes, they did No, they didn´t

Verbos irregulares (go)

respuesta breve respuesta breve -
Did I go? Yes, I did No, I didn´t
Did you go? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did he/she/it go? Yes, he/she/it did No, he/she/it didn´t
Did we go? Yes, we did No, we didn´t
Did you go? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did they go? Yes, they did No, they didn´t

EXERCISES Simple Past (negative and affirmative)

1. Write these sentences in the past.

1. He goes to the swimming pool because he likes swimming.
2. They have dinner at nine o´clock.
3. Adam runs 500 m
4. Helen eats too many sweets.
5. I buy the newspaper in the shop.
6. We get up at eight o´clock and go to school.

2. Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative form.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Write about what Jim did and didn´t do yesterday, as in the examples.

1. Go to the bank (yes) 1. He went to the bank
2. Buy some shoes (no) 2. He didn´t buy any shoes.
3. Write to Sally (yes) ……………………………………..
4. Buy a shirt (yes) ……………………………………..
5. Have lunch with Adam (no) ……………………………………..
6. Write to Peter (yes) ……………………………………..
7. Go to the hospital (no) ……………………………………..
8. Have dinner with Susie (yes) ……………………………………..
9. Play football (no) ……………………………………..
10.Make dinner (yes) ……………………………………..

4. Write the past form of these verbs.

1. to get ……… 6. to play ………
2. to buy ……… 7. to come ………
3. to study ……… 8. to go ………
4. to watch ……… 9. to pay ………
5. to begin ……… 10. to walk ………

Simple Past (interrogative)

1. Write these questions in the past.

1. Does she buy the newspaper in the shop over there? ...............................................
2. Do they do their homework in the evening? ...............................................................
3. Do they have a good holiday? ....................................................................................
4. Do they find any animal in the forest? ........................................................................
5. Is it dark when she gets up in the morning? ...............................................................

2. Write questions for these answers.

1. Where did you go yesterday?
I went to the park

2. ...............................................?
My friend arrived at five o´clock

3. ................................................?
He said “hello!”

4. .................................................?
The film started at seven.

5. .................................................?
We went on a excursion.

6. ..................................................?
She visited her aunt.

7. ................................................. ?
My grandparents lived in Italy.

3. Write questions in the past with these words.

1. when / study English / you .........................................................?
2. what / do / yesterday / she .........................................................?
3. like / the film / he .........................................................?
4. live / in Paris / your parents .........................................................?
5. walk / down / the road / they .........................................................?



Uso: el pasado simple se utiliza normalmente para referirnos a hechos que sucedieron en un momento concreto del pasado

Existen verbos regulares, a los que se añade –ed en el pasado, como work (worked en pasado) y otros irregulares, que es necesario aprender, como go (went en pasado).


Verbos regulares (work)

I worked
He / she / it worked
You worked
We worked
You worked
They worked

Ortografía de las formas de pasado regulares

• verbos acabados en “consonante + y”ied:
study studied
carry carried

• verbos monosilábicos acabados en “vocal +consonante” duplican la consonante (excepto “y” o “w”)
stop stopped
shop shopped

Pronunciación de la terminación “-ed” de pasado
Se puede pronunciar como /t/, /d/ o /id/, dependiendo del sonido en el que acabe el infinitivo:
• /t/ watched, stopped, shopped, washed, worked (cuando el verbo acaba en sonido sordo)
• /d/ lived, arrived, opened, called, changed (cuando el verbo acaba en sonido sonoro)
• /id/ started, painted, mended, needed (solamente cuando el verbo acaba en sonido /t/ o/d/).

Verbos irregulares (go)
I went
You went
He / she / it went
We went
You went
They went

*Debes aprenderte estos verbos de memoria para formar el pasado


Verbos regulares (work)
forma completa forma contraída

I did not work I didn´t work
You did not work You didn´t work
He / she / it did not work He / she / it didn´t work
We did not work We didn´t work
You did not work You didn´t work
They did not work They didn´t work

Verbos irregulares (go)
forma completa forma contraída

I did not go I didn´t go
You did not go You didn´t go
He / she / it did not go He / she / it didn´t go
We did not go We didn´t go
You did not go You didn´t go
They did not go They didn´t go


Verbos regulares (work)

Respuesta breve respuesta breve

Did I work? Yes, I did No, I didn´t
Did you work? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did he/she/it work? Yes, he/she/it did No, he/she/it didn´t
Did we work? Yes, we did No, we didn´t
Did you work? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did they work? Yes, they did No, they didn´t

Verbos irregulares (go)

respuesta breve respuesta breve -
Did I go? Yes, I did No, I didn´t
Did you go? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did he/she/it go? Yes, he/she/it did No, he/she/it didn´t
Did we go? Yes, we did No, we didn´t
Did you go? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did they go? Yes, they did No, they didn´t

EXERCISES Simple Past (negative and affirmative)

1. Write these sentences in the past.

1. He goes to the swimming pool because he likes swimming.
2. They have dinner at nine o´clock.
3. Adam runs 500 m
4. Helen eats too many sweets.
5. I buy the newspaper in the shop.
6. We get up at eight o´clock and go to school.

2. Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative form.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Write about what Jim did and didn´t do yesterday, as in the examples.

1. Go to the bank (yes) 1. He went to the bank
2. Buy some shoes (no) 2. He didn´t buy any shoes.
3. Write to Sally (yes) ……………………………………..
4. Buy a shirt (yes) ……………………………………..
5. Have lunch with Adam (no) ……………………………………..
6. Write to Peter (yes) ……………………………………..
7. Go to the hospital (no) ……………………………………..
8. Have dinner with Susie (yes) ……………………………………..
9. Play football (no) ……………………………………..
10.Make dinner (yes) ……………………………………..

4. Write the past form of these verbs.

1. to get ……… 6. to play ………
2. to buy ……… 7. to come ………
3. to study ……… 8. to go ………
4. to watch ……… 9. to pay ………
5. to begin ……… 10. to walk ………

Simple Past (interrogative)

1. Write these questions in the past.

1. Does she buy the newspaper in the shop over there? ...............................................
2. Do they do their homework in the evening? ...............................................................
3. Do they have a good holiday? ....................................................................................
4. Do they find any animal in the forest? ........................................................................
5. Is it dark when she gets up in the morning? ...............................................................

2. Write questions for these answers.

1. Where did you go yesterday?
I went to the park

2. ...............................................?
My friend arrived at five o´clock

3. ................................................?
He said “hello!”

4. .................................................?
The film started at seven.

5. .................................................?
We went on a excursion.

6. ..................................................?
She visited her aunt.

7. ................................................. ?
My grandparents lived in Italy.

3. Write questions in the past with these words.

1. when / study English / you .........................................................?
2. what / do / yesterday / she .........................................................?
3. like / the film / he .........................................................?
4. live / in Paris / your parents .........................................................?
5. walk / down / the road / they .........................................................?



Uso: se utiliza normalmente para hablar de acciones que están ocurriendo en el
momento en el que se habla. En español suele equivaler a “estar + gerundio”.

• Afirmativa
forma completa forma contraída

I am working I´m working
You are working you´re working
He / she / it is working he / she / it´s working
We are working we´re working
You are working you´re working
They are working they´re working

• Negación
forma completa forma contraída

I am not working I´m not working
You are not working you aren´t working
He / she / it is not working he / she /it isn´t working
We are not working we aren´t working
You are not working you aren´t working
They are not working they aren´t working

respuesta breve respuesta breve -

Am I working? Yes, I am No, I´m not
Are you working? Yes, you are No, you aren´t
Is he / she / it working? Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isn´t
Are we working? Yes, we are No, we aren´t
Are you working? Yes, you are No, you aren´t
Are they working? Yes, they are No, they aren´t

•Reglas ortográficas de los verbos acabados en –ing:

- Los verbos que acaban en una sola –e pierden esta vocal y añaden –ing:
write writing have having come coming

- Los verbos de una sílaba acabados en “vocal + consonante” duplican la
consonante y añaden –ing (excepto en el caso de w y y):
putputting stop stopping shop shopping


1. Complete the sentences in present continuous with the verbs given.

1. The birds ............... (sing).
2. My sister ............... (watch) TV and I ............... (read) a great novel.
3. We ............... (have) a very good time on holidays.
4. She ............... (work) at the moment but she finishes at 6.
5. ...... it ...... (rain) now? Yes, it is.
6. James ............... (play) football in the park now.
7. Harry and Anne ............... (go) to the cinema.
8. They ............... (clean) the whole house.

2. Write these sentences in the negative (short form)

1. Mrs Thompson is watching her favourite series on TV.
2. That boy is eating an ice-cream.
3. I´m going to the mountain.
4. They are making dinner.

3. Ask questions as in the example.

1. Man / run Is the man running?
2. Mum / eat / cake ............................................................................
3. That man / read / the paper ............................................................................
4. They / wear / T-shirts ............................................................................
5. The birds / fly ............................................................................
6. You / listen / to me ............................................................................

4. Correct these sentences.

1. We´s having a great time. ............................................................................
2. They´re puting on their coats ............................................................................
3. I are listening to her ............................................................................
4. We are going home? ............................................................................


Verbo to be – Presente Simple

To be = ser o estar.

La forma completa y la contraída son igualmente correctas, aunque la contraída es
algo más informal.

forma completa forma contraída
I am I´m
You are you´re
He is / she is / it is he´s / she´s / it´s
We are we´re
You are you´re
They are they´re

•Negación (sujeto + verbo + not)
forma completa forma contraída
I am not I´m not
You are not you aren´t
He / she / it is not he / she / it isn´t
We are not we aren´t
You are not you aren´t
They are not they aren´t

•Interrogación (verbo + sujeto)
respuesta breve + respuesta breve –
Am I ...? Yes, I am No, I´m not
Are you...? Yes, you are No, you aren´t
Is he / she / it ....? Yes, he/she/it is No, he/she/it isn´t
Are we...? Yes, we are No, we aren´t
Are you....? Yes, you are No, you aren´t
Are they....? Yes, they are No, they aren´t


• Are you a student? Yes, I am.
• Is she your friend? Yes, she is.
• Are they your classmates? No, they aren´t.

EXERCISES Verb to be – Simple Present
1. Write am, is or are.

1. Mary ...... a teacher.
2. My friends ...... Italian.
3. They ...... doctors.
4. She ...... from Holland.
5. I ...... an engineer.
6. Paul ...... very tall.
7. London ...... the capital of England.
8. We ...... American.
9. Mary and Eve ...... from Russia.
10.Your parents ...... teachers.

2. Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the short form, when possible.

1. Mary´s a teacher. .

3. Write these sentences in the negative (short form).

1. Luke´s a student.……………………………………………………………..

2. Laura and Gabriel are friends.……………………………………………………..

3. You´re from Spain. ……………………………………………………………..

4. He´s my neighbour. ……………………………………………………………..

5. We´re Italian. ……………………………………………………………..

SIMPLE PRESENT 2 (presente histórico, futuro)

Presente simple 2 (presente histórico, futuro)

Además de para expresar acciones cotidianas o verdades universales, el presente simple se utiliza también en otros casos:

•Presente simple con valor de futuro.
Utilizamos el presente simple para hablar de hechos futuros que dependen de algún horario o programa, pero no para hablar de planes personales o predicciones. También es posible utilizar el futuro con will en estos casos.

- The train to Norfolk leaves from platform 7 in 10 minutes.
- The next conference takes place in the other building.
- They arrive before lunch tomorrow and catch the last bus.

•Presente histórico.
El presente simple se puede utilizar para hablar de hechos pasados. En estos casos, el presente confiere una sensación de realidad y cercanía a los hechos narrados.

- Christopher Columbus discovers America by mistake in 1492.
- She was very late and then she tells me she must leave early because she has to work the next day.