lunes, julio 30, 2012




Uso: se utiliza normalmente para hablar de acciones que están ocurriendo en el
momento en el que se habla.
En españolsueleequivalera “estar + gerundio”.

• Afirmativa
forma completa forma contraída

I am working I´m working
You are working you´re working
He / she / it is working he / she / it´s working
We are working we´re working
You are working you´re working
They are working they´re working

• Negación
forma completa forma contraída

I am not working I´m not working
You are not working you aren´t working
He / she / it is not working he / she /it isn´t working
We are not working we aren´t working
You are not working you aren´t working
They are not working they aren´t working

respuestabreverespuestabreve -

Am I working? Yes, I am No, I´m not
Are you working? Yes, you are No, you aren´t
Is he / she / it working? Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isn´t
Are we working? Yes, we are No, we aren´t
Are you working? Yes, you are No, you aren´t
Are they working?
Yes, they are No, theyaren´t

 Reglas ortográficas de los verbos acabados en –ing:

- Los verbos que acaban en una sola –e pierden esta vocal y añaden –ing:
® writinghave® having come ® coming

- Los verbos de una sílaba acabados en “vocal + consonante” duplican la
consonante y añaden –ing (excepto en el caso de w y y):
® putting stop ® stopping shop ® shopping


To be = ser o estar.

I was
You were
He/she/it was
We were
You were
They were

 Negación (sujeto + verbo + not)

forma completa forma contraída

I was not I wasn´t
You were not you weren´t
He/she/it was not he/she/it wasn´t
We were not we weren´t
You were not you weren´t
They were not they weren´t

 Interrogación (verbo + sujeto)

respuestabreverespuestabreve –
Was I ...? Yes, I was No, I wasn´t
Were you...? Yes, you were No, you weren´t
Was he/she/it ....? Yes, he/she/it was No, he/she/it wasn´t
Were we...? Yes, we were No, we weren´t
Were you....? Yes, you were No, you weren´t
Were they....? Yes, they were No, they weren´t

Were you a student? Yes, I was.
Was she your friend? Yes, she was.
Weretheyyourclassmates? No, theyweren´t.


Uso: el pasado simple se utiliza normalmente para referirnos a hechos que sucedieron en un momento concreto del pasado

Existen verbos regulares, a los que se añade –ed en el pasado, como work (worked en pasado) y otros irregulares, que es necesario aprender, como go (went en pasado).


Verbos regulares (work)

I worked
He / she / itworked

Ortografía de las formas de pasado regulares

• verbos acabados en “consonante + y”
Þ ied:
® studied
® carried

• verbos monosilábicos acabados en “vocal +consonante”
Þ duplican la consonante (excepto “y” o “w”)
® stopped
® shopped

Pronunciación de la terminación “-ed” de pasado
Se puede pronunciar como /t/, /d/ o /id/, dependiendo del sonido en el que acabe el infinitivo:
• /t/
® watched, stopped, shopped, washed, worked (cuando el verbo acaba en sonido sordo)
• /d/
® lived, arrived, opened, called, changed (cuando el verbo acaba en sonido sonoro)
• /id/
® started, painted, mended, needed (solamente cuando el verbo acaba en sonido /t/ o/d/).

Verbosirregulares (go)
I went
You went
He / she / it went
We went
You went
They went

*Debesaprenderteestosverbos de memoriaparaformar el pasado


Verbosregulares (work)
forma completa forma contraída

I did not work I didn´t work
You did not work You didn´t work
He / she / it did not work He / she / it didn´t work
We did not work We didn´t work
You did not work You didn´t work
They did not work They didn´t work

Verbosirregulares (go)
forma completa forma contraída

I did not go I didn´t go
You did not go You didn´t go
He / she / it did not go He / she / it didn´t go
We did not go We didn´t go
You did not go You didn´t go
They did not go They didn´t go


Verbosregulares (work)


Did I work? Yes, I did No, I didn´t
Did you work? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did he/she/it work? Yes, he/she/it did No, he/she/it didn´t
Did we work? Yes, we did No, we didn´t
Did you work? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did they work? Yes, they did No, they didn´t

Verbosirregulares (go)

respuestabreverespuestabreve -
Did I go? Yes, I did No, I didn´t
Did you go? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did he/she/it go? Yes, he/she/it did No, he/she/it didn´t
Did we go? Yes, we did No, we didn´t
Did you go? Yes, you did No, you didn´t
Did they go?
Yes, theydid No, theydidn´t

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