lunes, julio 30, 2012


Pasado Perfecto (Past Perfect Tense)

El Pasado Perfecto en el idioma inglés es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a una acción que tuvo lugar en un momento anterior a otra acción, aunque ambas hayan sucedido en el pasado estableciendo un orden entre ellas, por ejemplo:
The film had finished when she arrived at the cinema.
La película había terminado cuando ella llegó al cine.
(Primera acción: la película había terminado
Segunda acción: ella llegó al cine)

Sarah hadprepareddinnerwhenherhusbandgot home.
Sarah había preparado la cena cuando su esposo llegó a casa.
(Primera acción: Sarah había preparado la cena
Segunda acción: su esposo llegó a casa)

Para poder construir la forma afirmativa del Pasado Perfecto debemos utilizar como auxiliar el verbo 
TO HAVE en Pasado Simple y acompañado por el verbo principal en su Pasado Participio
I had bought a new car.
Yo había comprado un nuevo auto.
You had cleaned the house.
Tú habías limpiado la casa.
He had brought the gifts.
Él había traído los regalos.
She had lost the credit card.
Ella había perdido la tarjeta de crédito.

Para formar una interrogación deberemos colocar el auxiliar al comienzo de la oración, luego el sujeto y posteriormente el verbo principal también en Pasado Participio:
Had I bought a new car?
Había comprado yo un nuevo auto?
Had you cleaned the house?
Habías limpiado tú la casa?
Had he brought the gifts?
Había traído él los regalos?
Had she lost the credit card?
Había perdido ella la tarjeta de crédito?

Por su parte, la forma negativa se construye poniendo la negación NOT entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, por ejemplo:
I had not bought a new dress.
Yo no había comprado un nuevo vestido.
You had not cleaned the house.
Tú no habías limpiado la casa.
He had not brought the gifts.
Él no había traído los regalos.
She had not lost the credit card.
Ella no había perdido la tarjeta de crédito.

También puede utilizarse la forma contraída de la negación colocandoHADN'T en vez de HAD NOT.

Andy´s dog
When Andy arrived to his house, he found a little dog. It had been very hungry, so Andy took it with him and went to his apartment, but the apartment had had the door open. He got into the apartment faster but the thieves had stolen everything.
Finally Andy couldn't do anything, but he prepared his dog so when others thieves tried to enter to his apartment the dog had been already there.

A love story
It was Friday again, the day for famous parties at Wellington High School.
Studentsdanced in the garden and everyone was enjoying the pleasure of being away from boring lessons.When Sarahcame to the party, the musichad started.
Tim suddenly noticed Sarah and felt shocked. He hadlooked for her for 2 years. They had meet each other at a holiday camp in 1999, but mysteriously Sarah had disappeared after a while. He thought about her since then.
 At the party, Sarah was talking to one of her friends while most of the students were drinking as much as they could. Tim decided to talk to her and waited for friend to leave. When he had gone next to her, she searched for something in her bag, so she hadn´t seen him. As soon as he touched her on the shoulder, she had risen her head and couldn’t believe her eyes. She had never forgotten him.
At the end of the party, no one was happier than Sarah and Timas they had found each other after 2 years.

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